Design and layout of a book commissioned by now president of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa, with photographs by Daniel Naudé.
“In this majestic book, Cyril Ramaphosa reveals his passion and love for cattle as he introduces us to the magnificent Ankole cattle, originating in Uganda, and now, through his intervention, flourishing in South Africa.”
“In this majestic book, Cyril Ramaphosa reveals his passion and love for cattle as he introduces us to the magnificent Ankole cattle, originating in Uganda, and now, through his intervention, flourishing in South Africa.”
2017, published by Jacana (SA / )Text: Cyril Ramaphosa / Photographs: Daniel Naudé / 196 pages / Page size: 345 x 280mm / Printed full colour throughout / Binding: thread sewnHard cover in Brillianta linen, with dust jacket printed full colour, matte laminated
View here on Jacana's website
View here on Jacana's website