Gabrielle Guy
- Tyler Hobbs Order/Disorder
- Frida Orupabo On Lies, Secrets and Silence
- Jane Alexander Infirmary, Erf 81 (Cape of Good Hope)
- The Contemporary African Kitchen
- Penny Siopis Your History With Me
- Berni Searle Having but Little Gold
- Jo Ractliffe Being There
- Shaun Gaylard & Brett McDougall RSA365
- Vegan at Home
- African Artists
- Georgina Gratrix The Reunion
- James Oatway and Alon Skuy [BR]OTHER
- Jansen van Staden Microlight
- Jo Ractliffe Photographs 1980s–now
- Mawande Ka Zenzile Uhambo luyazilawula
- William Kentridge Why Should I Hesitate
- Gerhard Marx Ecstatic Archive
- Leah Hawker Breastfeeding 101
- Jo Ractliffe Signs of Life
- Penny Siopis Material Acts
- Wim Botha Heliostat
- Igshaan Adams When Dust Settles
- Sabelo Mlangeni Umlindelo wamaKholwa
- Thomas Chapman & David Southwood Hustles
- Re/discovery and Memory
- 9 More Weeks
- Cyril Ramaphosa & Daniel Naudé Cattle of the Ages
- Dominique Cheminais Eighty-four thousand
- Jo Ractliffe Everything is Everything
- Zander Blom Paintings Vol II Collector’s edition
- Zander Blom Paintings Vol II
- Jane Alexander PHOTO-BOOK
- Penny Siopis Grief
- Penny Siopis Shame
- Daniel Naudé Sightings of the Sacred
- African Futures
- Zander Blom Modern Painting: Piet Mondrian
- 9 Weeks
- Gerhard Marx Depths in Feet
- Dominique Cheminais The Animal Breaking Through the Flesh
- Edson Chagas Found Not Taken
- Wim Botha Pietà
- Serge Alain Nitegeka Into The BLACK
- Kemang Wa Lehulere
- Kemang Wa Lehulere Collector’s edition
- Jane Alexander Survey: Cape of Good Hope
- Zanele Muholi Faces and Phases 2006-14
- Penny Siopis Time and Again Collector’s edition
- Penny Siops Time and Again
- Guy Tillim Joburg: Points of View
- The Erotic Drawings of Anton Kannemeyer Collector’s edition
- The Erotic Drawings of Anton Kannemeyer
- Brett Murray
- Deborah Poynton Pictures
- Bitterkomix 16
- Zander Blom Paintings Vol I
- Zander Blom Paintings Vol I Collector’s edition
- Daniel Naudé Animal Farm
- über(W)unden
- Bicycle Portraits (green book)
- Bicycle Portraits (blue book)
- Bicycle Portraits (yellow book)
- Guy Tillim Second Nature
- BillyMonk
- Reihenhausmannskost
- Tretchikoff: The People’s Painter
- Nandipha Mntambo
- Nandipha Mntambo Collector’s edition
- Claudette Schreuders
- Claudette Schreuders Collector’s edition
- Jo Ractliffe As Terras Do Fim Do Mundo
- Zanele Muholi Faces and Phases
- Steven Cohen Life is Shot, Art is Long
- Child Health Now
- Nicholas Hlobo
- Nicholas Hlobo Collector’s edition
- Das is(s)t Deutschland
- Youssef Nabil I Won’t Let You Die
- Guy Tillim Avenue Patrice Lumumba
- Guy Tillim Congo Democratic
- 10 Years 100 Artists
Catalogues, Booklets, Other
- John Peffer Notes on Cuts
- Zander Blom Monochrome Paintings II
- Stevenson Newsletters .info
- Events of the Social The Walther Collection
- Cian-Yu Bai
- Zander Blom Monochrome Paintings
- Frida Orupabo Hours After
- Zander Blom The Garage-ism Manifesto
- Thenjiwe Niki Nkosi Gymnasium
- Dada Khanyisa Good Feelings
- Daniel Naudé The Bovine Prophecy
- Art Joburg 2019
- Pieter Hugo 25 postcards
- Sean O’Toole The Magic of Stones
- Zander Blom New Paintings
Matšatši a ...
- Candice Breitz + Mohau Modisakeng
- Moshekwa Langa Fugitive
- Concerning Symmetry
- Zanele Muholi Somnyama Ngonyama
- JoburgArtFair 2016 Directory
- JoburgArtFair 2016 Visitor’s Guide
- JoburgArtFair 2016 VIP Programme
- Pieter Hugo The Journey
- Section Cinéma
- Ian Grose Small Paintings
- Samson Kambalu Nyau Cinema
- Kings County
- The New Church
- Simon Gush Work
- Wim Botha Rooms
- Wim Botha Solipsis
- Wim Botha Busts
- Wim Botha Busts & Solipsis Collector’s edition
- Ernest Mancoba Drawings & Paintings from the Studio
- Trade Routes Revisited
- Olafur Eliasson Erosion
- Africa & Abstraction Johannesburg: Blom Hlobo Nitegeka Rhode
- Africa & Abstraction: Mancoba Odita Blom
- What we talk about when we talk about love
- Tretchikoff: The People’s Painter catalogue
- Geography of Somewhere
- Ângela Ferreira Werdmuller Centre
- This Is Our Time
- Lynette Yiadom-Boakye Essays and Letters
- Summer 2009/10: Projects
- Paul Edmunds Subtropicalia
- Brett Murray Crocodile Tears
- Summer 2008/9: Projects
- Berni Searle Recent Work 2007/8
- Odili Donald Odita Double Edge
- Take your road and travel along
Personal Work
- Rock drawings on The Objects [exhibition]
- An advent calendar of other people’s pictures [book]
- END x 1250 [artwork]
- Exhibition projects, Richtersveld [exhibitions]
- Pictures of Pictures [exhibition]
- Another project [book]
- What would have been an exhibition about bricks [artist’s book]
- What would have been an exhibition about bricks [photographic works]
- Layout 6 [print exhibited]
- Two bricks communicating over a video call [event]
- Story 03 for Hyraxhotong [photographs]
- Part 4 [book]
- Part 3 [book]
- Part 2 [book]
- Part 1 [book]
- A-series experiments [photographic works]
- An advent calendar of things to look at for 2018 [book]
- A-series x AKJP [collaboration]
- A-series additional [photographic works]
- A-series [photographic works]
- A-series [exhibition]
- Calendars of things to look at [books]
- Monolith in Gif 3 [print]

Design of a small photo book to accompany Daniel Naudé’s exhibition of the same name, self-published by Naudé.
Close-up of cover foiling in production here.
Close-up of cover foiling in production here.
2020, published by Daniel Naudé (SA) / 60 pages / Page size 213 x 200mm / Printed full colour throughout on Hi-Q matte 150gsm / Hard cover case liner printed full colour, matte laminated, with title on front cover foiled in gloss black